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Extract teeth with expert precision and safety

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. It is typically necessary when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, or impacted. Depending on the tooth’s condition, the procedure can be simple or surgical. At Rocky Mountain Surgical Arts, extractions are performed with precision and care, minimizing pain and promoting swift recovery.

Possible reasons for tooth extraction:

  • Severe tooth decay or damage beyond repair
  • Impacted wisdom teeth causing pain or alignment issues
  • Advanced gum disease leading to bone loss
  • Overcrowded teeth requiring removal before orthodontic treatment
  • Tooth infection that cannot be treated with root canal therapy
  • Fractured teeth below the gum line
  • Preparation for dentures or implants
  • Baby teeth that do not fall out on their own

Types of tooth extraction

Simple extraction
A simple extraction is performed on a tooth that is visible in the mouth and can be easily accessed. This procedure typically involves loosening the tooth with a special instrument called an elevator before removing it with forceps.

Surgical extraction
Surgical extraction is necessary when a tooth is broken, impacted, or not fully erupted. It involves making an incision in the gum to access the tooth. Sometimes, the tooth may need to be divided into sections for easier removal.

The tooth extraction process

During your tooth extraction, you will first be given local anesthesia to numb the area and ensure your comfort. For a simple tooth extraction, Dr. Fathimani will use specialized tools to loosen and carefully remove the tooth from its socket. You may feel pressure, but no pain. If a surgical extraction is necessary, a small incision will be made in your gum to access the tooth. In some cases, the tooth may be sectioned for easier removal.

Tooth extraction FAQs

Will I feel pain during the extraction?

No, you will receive local anesthesia to numb the area. You may feel pressure but not pain during the procedure.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery time varies, but most patients heal within a few days to a week. Following aftercare instructions will help ensure a smooth recovery.

What should I eat after a tooth extraction?

Stick to soft foods like soups, yogurt, and smoothies for the first few days. Avoid hard, crunchy, or hot foods until you heal.

Can I drive myself home after the procedure?

If you have local anesthesia, you can drive yourself home. However, if you receive sedation or general anesthesia, you’ll need someone to drive you.

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Why choose Dr. Fathimani for tooth extractions in Denver?

Dr. Kayvan Fathimani is a highly skilled, triple-board-certified surgeon with expertise in oral, maxillofacial, and facial cosmetic surgery. With extensive training and thousands of successful surgeries, he offers personalized, compassionate care tailored to your unique needs. His dedication to precision and natural results makes him a trusted leader in his field. He uses cutting-edge techniques to ensure you have a comfortable experience. If you need tooth extractions, please schedule your consultation today.

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