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Goals of Surgical Palatal Expansion

Surgical palatal expansion can be necessary for numerous reasons. Expanding the palate can create more space in the mouth, so the teeth can be aligned properly. It can also improve the function of the palate, make it easier to breathe and eat, reduce loud snoring and sleep apnea symptoms, and correct structural deformities. Dr. Fathimani is a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon who uses the cutting-edge SARPE (surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion) technique to achieve the desired goals.

What is SARPE?

SARPE, short for surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion, is an orthognathic surgery used to correct issues related to narrow palates, such as an overbite, crowded teeth, malocclusion, and loud snoring. The procedure involves making a vertical cut in the bone in the maxilla, following which the palate is expanded gradually over several months. The surgical procedure is usually followed by an orthodontic process, such as braces or Invisalign. However, the specific details of the SARPE technique depend on your unique anatomy and goals.

The Comprehensive SARPE Process

Dr. Fathimani performs the SARPE procedure under general anesthesia, so you’ll be asleep throughout the surgery. He will perform a vertical osteotomy, i.e., make a cut in the bone in the maxilla to expand the palate. An expander will be placed, which will gradually and steadily open up your palate over several weeks until the proper measurements have been reached. After surgery, you must wait at least three months for the bone to heal and fuse properly.

The palate expander is kept in your mouth for at least three months after the surgery to continue expanding your palate, following which the bone is allowed to stabilize and heal. During the palate expansion process, you may notice a widening gap between your front teeth, which is perfectly normal. After completing the palate expansion, you will have to undergo orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign to correct the gap between your teeth.

SARPE Can Correct:

  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Overbite and misalignment
  • Narrow palate
  • Snoring because of a weak retropalatal airway
  • Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea

It Starts With Your Consultation

Your palatal expansion journey starts with a thorough consultation with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Lone Tree — Dr. Kayvan Fathimani. The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will thoroughly examine your mouth and teeth, ask about your medical history and any medications you’re taking, and discuss your reasons for considering palatal expansion. The surgeon will also perform thorough diagnostic tests and x-rays to curate a personalized surgical plan and determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

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Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Kayvan Fathimani is a triple-board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon dedicated to helping you achieve optimal jawbone alignment and oral functionality. He curates personalized treatment plans to help his patients achieve their functional and cosmetic goals. Furthermore, the medical team at Rocky Mountain Surgical Arts ensures you’re supported throughout the palate expansion journey. Please schedule a consultation to explore your palate expansion options in Lone Tree, Colorado.

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