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Minimally Invasive Treatment for TMJ

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, causes great pain and discomfort. The TMJ connects the lower jaw to the skull and is used for chewing, talking, and other jaw movements. If this joint becomes inflamed or damaged, it can lead to pain in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders, difficulty chewing, clicking, popping, or grinding noise when moving the jaw, and a locking sensation. Dr. Fathimani performs the cutting-edge, minimally invasive, arthroscopic McCain technique to alleviate TMJ pain.

Benefits of Arthroscopy:

  • Minimally invasive treatment for TMJ disorder
  • McCain arthroscope clearly visualizes 1.8 millimeters for optimal precision
  • Success rate of over 90% in treating TMJ problems
  • Allows for more mobility in the joint space
  • Minimal side effects, activity limitations, and downtime

The Jaw Arthroscopy Surgery

Arthroscopy is performed under local anesthesia. Dr. Fathimani will make a small incision in front of your ear and insert a thin, flexible tube called an arthroscope into your joint. The arthroscope is equipped with a tiny camera that will allow your surgeon to see the inside of your joint on a video screen. With the help of the arthroscope, your surgeon can remove excess tissue, bone, or cartilage. In some cases, your surgeon can repair damage to the joint with sutures or other methods.

Arthroscopy: Recovery & Downtime

The recovery time after arthroscopic TMJ surgery is generally quite short. Most people can return to their normal activities within a few days. There may be some soreness and swelling around the incision site, but this is usually minimal and can be controlled with over-the-counter pain medications. You can also eat and drink normally immediately after the procedure, but you should avoid hard or chewy foods for the first week.

What is Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows your doctor to visualize and treat problems inside your joint. Traditional arthroscopic surgeries have focused on larger joints, such as the knee and shoulders. Arthroscopy on smaller joints, such as the TMJ, is challenging because of the middle ear and surrounding nerves in the face. But Dr. Fathimani uses the McCain arthroscope to adjust the TMJ without unwanted problems and complications.

During arthroscopy, Dr. Fathimani will make a small incision in front of your ear and insert a thin, flexible tube called an arthroscope into your joint. The arthroscope is equipped with a tiny camera that will allow your surgeon to see the inside of your joint on a video screen. With the help of the arthroscope, your surgeon can remove excess tissue, bone, or cartilage. In some cases, your surgeon can repair damage to the joint with sutures or other methods.

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Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Kayvan Fathimani is a triple-board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon specializing in the latest and safest surgical techniques for jaw disorders. He specializes in McCain arthroscopy for TMJ because it helps him address the root cause of TMJ pain with minimal incisions and downtime. Please schedule a consultation to explore your TMJ treatment options in Lone Tree.

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