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Replace Missing Teeth Without Bone Grafts

A dental implant is a screw-like device drilled into the jawbone underneath the empty socket of a missing tooth. Once the implant is drilled into the jawbone, your body initiates an osseointegration process whereby the jawbone tissues fuse with the implant surface. Over time, the implant becomes a firmly rooted part of the dental anatomy, offering a firm and stable base for dental restoration, i.e., crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Unfortunately, all patients don’t qualify for dental implants. To receive standard dental implants, you must have sufficient bone mass. If you’ve waited a long time after tooth loss, you may not have enough bone in the area for an implant, necessitating a bone grafting procedure. Bone grafting involves using bone grafts drawn from other parts of the body to stimulate jawbone augmentation, which improves your candidacy for dental implants.

Some patients have reservations about undergoing a bone grafting procedure. If you don’t want to undergo bone grafting but still want to replace your missing teeth, Dr. Kayvan Fathimani has the ideal solution — zygomatic dental implants.

man during exam for dental implants in Highlands Ranch

What are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Zygomatic dental implants are a relatively new discovery in dental implantology. Even though zygomatic implants have been around since the 1990s, they’ve only recently gained popularity as an alternative for patients with insufficient bone mass who don’t want to undergo bone grafting. Zygomatic dental implants are a suitable replacement for missing teeth in the upper jaw. Instead of being drilled into the jawbone, zygomatic dental implants are drilled into the denser cheekbone at an angle.

Traditional vs. Zygomatic Dental Implants

Traditional dental implants and zygomatic dental implants have two primary differences:

  • Size: Traditional dental implants are usually smaller than zygomatic implants because they’re drilled into the jawbone, while zygomatic implants are drilled into the cheekbones.
  • Location: Traditional dental implants are drilled into the jawbone, whereas zygomatic implants are drilled into the zygoma bone, or cheekbone, which is denser.

To learn your options for dental implants, contact our office today for a consultation.

Benefits of Zygomatic Dental Implants:

  • Perfect replacement for teeth in the upper jaw
  • 98% success rate in the long term
  • Durable and long-lasting replacement for missing teeth
  • No risk of the implant slipping or sliding out of place
  • Restore complete bite force and allow you to eat whatever you want
  • Look, feel, and function like natural teeth
  • Save you from needing another supplemental procedure before implant surgery

The Complete Zygomatic Dental Implants Process

During your initial consultation with Dr. Fathimani, he will examine your mouth and take X-rays to determine if you’re a good candidate for zygomatic implants. If you’re missing teeth in your upper jaw, have insufficient bone density in your jawbone, and don’t want to undergo a bone grafting procedure, you’re deemed to be a good candidate for zygomatic implants. Dr. Fathimani will develop a treatment plan specifically for you.

On the day of your surgery, you will be given local anesthesia to numb the surgical area. Once you’re comfortable, your surgeon will make two small incisions in your gums, following which he’ll place the zygomatic implant within the cheekbone at an angle. Since the cheekbone is denser than the jawbone, the implant can be loaded immediately without waiting. Dr. Fathimani will provide a crown or dental bridge, following which you can return home with perfect teeth!

man after dental implants in Highlands Ranch

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Kayvan Fathimani is a triple-board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon specializing in cutting-edge dental implant techniques. He carefully evaluates your dental anatomy and recommends the least invasive and most effective solutions to your problems. Please schedule a consultation to explore your zygomatic dental implant options in Lone Tree, Colorado.

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